Month: March 2023

  • Gary Lineker

    Gary Lineker

    I have to say the discourse on refugees has really shook me up lately. I’ve felt like Gary Linker for some time on the rhetoric that’s being used. As a mental patient and once homeless I have experienced the harsh attitudes of being treated like vermin. It was validation to me. If the formal human…

  • Life Thoughts

    Life Thoughts

    I find these days I’m a lot more at peace with my life. I feel like I have got a lot of my answers philosophically and spiritually. I feel I have lived. These days I’m just focused on staying well and avoiding triggers. I’m hopeful there is a heaven where I can meet my relatives.…

  • 1 Year Anniversary

    1 Year Anniversary

    It was actually this time last year I was sectioned into a psychiatric hospital. The Ukraine war had really scared me and I started watching BBC News too much. I couldn’t sleep so was going into the lounge to watch more News. My drop in concentration meant I missed my medication. I believe coming off…

  • Walks and Social Scripts

    Walks and Social Scripts

    I’m finding I’m relaxing more during these walks. Taking in the air and appreciating the quietness between the roads. It’s nice to see a few dogs too. One thing I have noticed with my mind that I am able to articulate now is a sense of social panic and continued preparation. My mind often conjures…

  • Easter Planning

    Easter Planning

    Last year I spent Christmas alone as I have most years since my mother died in 2016. After being homeless last year, I welcomed Christmas day as a day to treat myself. I usually just eat my dinner on my lap from my bed watching Star Trek. For Christmas I bought a small foldable table…

  • Green Shoots

    Green Shoots

    Recently I have been sowing all kinds of seeds in pots to grow vegetables this Summer. What I am trying to grow can be found in this initial blog here. I don’t have much experience in gardening. To be honest I wouldn’t say I have a serious interest. I like to watch plants grow especially…

  • Empires


    The Roman empire after Christs death, ruled most of Western Europe and the Middle east. To spread fear in the population, many dissidents such as slaves were sent to ‘The Games’ where they were killed by wild animals like Lions for entertainment. Many of these dissidents were people that believed in the teachings of Christ.…

  • 6 Months Homed

    6 Months Homed

    I feel so on top of things now, it is bliss. So much of last year has been limbo from homelessness, sorting out this new home but at the same time being patient in getting there and now I have the cherry on top with my garden ready to grow some vegetables this spring/summer. It’s…