Author: Shaun

  • I’m a Political Football

    I’m a Political Football

    As someone with a severe mental illness* and being Autistic I have increasingly realised how vulnerable I am. Not just due to the nature of my conditions that have social disadvantages from being not accepted and ostracised but also in relation to my lack of political power. Things like money, social status and memberships can…

  • Things Going Reasonably Well Considering

    Things Going Reasonably Well Considering

    Things in my life seem to be going reasonably at well at present compared to previous experiences in my life. I have a quiet and peaceful home after all. I am fortunate to live alone. Last year I was homeless for 4 and half months in a psychiatric hospital. Psychiatric hospitals have restrictions that make…

  • Musings on my Existence

    Musings on my Existence

    I find the demands of society stressful. Particularly in relating to people and those in authority. People are selfish and I find I can never please them. Whatever I do it’s not good enough. In many situations often find myself alone, not fitting in and sometimes even bullied. I find my current setup the most…

  • Mindfulness to Contemplative Prayer

    Mindfulness to Contemplative Prayer

    I have wrote previously how I have been reading about Buddhism and meditating again. In 2019, I first read the book The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living which contains a western perspective of a psychiatrist in discussion with the Dalai Lama. It introduced me to some teachings of Buddhism that I found intriguing…

  • Expecting Death Soon

    Expecting Death Soon

    You only have to put on the television to see how awful the world is becoming in 2023. It is truly becoming hell on earth. Even in a rich country like the US the gap between the Rich and Poor is so huge that you hear of many people on the street with no medical…

  • Some Improvement with Meds & Buddhism

    Some Improvement with Meds & Buddhism

    Things have been rather more difficult in the last few months. Though since I had my 4 weekly Paliperidone depot increased from 50mg to 75mg almost 3 weeks ago I have been feeling more calmer. I seem more at ease and less scared of the future. I do though still feel the future looks bleak.…

  • No Win Scenario

    No Win Scenario

    If I could relive my life again I would love to be born from rich parents who loved me, who had loads of contacts and also were part of a Church family. Why? I wouldn’t be so much for the material things but in having opportunities I never had. People that have this can often…

  • Analysis: Owning or Streaming Video

    Analysis: Owning or Streaming Video

    In this blog article I am going to share my analysis of streaming video content and owning it. It’s clear streaming is getting more expensive and having your eggs all in one basket could prove costly in the long term. I don’t just mean subscribing to multiple streaming platforms but being entirely dependant on streaming…

  • Suicide Attempt and Med Changes

    Suicide Attempt and Med Changes

    In early September we had a heatwave in Southend-on-Sea, England. I live in a upper level flat surrounded by flats next to me, above me and below me. The back of my flat is sealed by a bathroom and kitchen. It stays lovely and warm in winter but as I discovered in this first summer…