Month: May 2023

  • Simple Living

    Simple Living

    I think the happiest time in my life was when I was in my 3rd year of university. Although I was deeply worried about the big wide world when I expected to graduate. I didn’t have much money and lived a humble life. I lived in a room with an ensuite shower. I had one…

  • All things are possible

    All things are possible

    Many years ago I used to feel incredibly lonely. Even when I had a partner in 2011 I felt alone. Eventually my partner had enough of me and I came back to England. Although my mother was alive.I still felt alone and wanted to die. In 2015 I had ECT after my final suicide attempt.…

  • A Strong Person

    A Strong Person

    I like to think I’m a strong person. I believe a lot of people would be trying to kill themselves in my situation. I haven’t attempted suicide since 2015. The key to my survival is appreciating simply things. I reckon I could even work a routine out with the Bible and a tent. I think…

  • Dehumanisation


    Dehumanisation is the denial of full humanity in others along with the cruelty and suffering that accompany it. A practical definition refers to it as the viewing and the treatment of other people as though they lack the mental capacities that are commonly attributed to humans. Homelessness in my experience seems to be the delimiter…

  • More Christian Books

    More Christian Books

    I have blogged previously that in recent times I have got into reading Christian books and some Christian Theology (Read here and here). My new found faith in recent years as become a huge strength in my wellbeing. I am so thankful to have Christ in my life. Next week I am being baptised in…

  • Psychosis 2023

    Psychosis 2023

    I recently had an episode of psychosis that hospitalised me once again. I’ve titled this post as ‘Psychosis 2023’ as I have had an episode of psychosis every year since 2017 with the exception of 2018. Unfortunately in 2017 I had 3 episodes and 3 hospitalisations over a period of 3 months. The episodes are…