Month: May 2023

  • Addictions, Dependencies and Vices

    Addictions, Dependencies and Vices

    I think virtually everyone has at least an addiction, dependency or vice. As an undiagnosed Autistic child I liked to consistently eat and drink the same things. I think my Mother noticed this so I was made to drank Orange squash and Tea. She kept me away from sweets and fizzy drinks. I still eat…

  • Stoicism and Early Christianity

    Stoicism and Early Christianity

    In some ways I feel like my life has mirrored early Christians. I embraced Stocism to get into running and eventually did marathons like the Corinthians. Then I’ve given way to Christianity. Stoicism flourished under the Roman Empire until Christianity became the state religion. I was inspired by quotes and meditations of Seneca, Epictetus and…

  • Baptised Today

    Baptised Today

    I thought I would share this in case any other Autistic person decides they want to go to Church and perhaps eventually be Baptised like I was today. I was anxious and it’s been a journey getting here. I am 38 so it’s never too late. I have had a wonderful day. I’m very proud…

  • Book Reviews: May 2023

    Book Reviews: May 2023

    I have recently read two books. One was ‘Struggling with God: Mental Health and Christian Spirituality‘ and the other is ‘The Heritage of Anglican Theology‘. Struggling with God: Mental Health and Christian Spirituality I am diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder. I have had mental health issues for a very long time. I…

  • Social Sins

    Social Sins

    When I talk of Sin many of us may think of the Ten Commandments in the Bible such as “Thou shalt not kill”. Many societies practise that commandment internally and newer rules develop to deal with new challenges that each century brings us. A common widely held sin today is “Claiming state benefits”. There is…

  • The Lord’s Supper

    The Lord’s Supper

    Over the last 13 years I have been in and out of psychiatric hospitals for all kinds of reasons. What often helped get me better was the consistency of hospital. I could always count on supper in the evening. Supper usually occurs at around 8pm. The NHS has little funds or staff at this time…

  • Stigmatising Press

    Stigmatising Press

    If the new national sport is to force people like me to work full time, breakdown and fail then I guess play on.Even if you don’t care about my health or life, it will probably cost more to see me burn and probably risk others safety and wellbeing. Around 50+ years ago people like me…

  • The Kamikaze Worker

    The Kamikaze Worker

    I was thinking today how politicians, media and thus society make the kamikaze worker the ideal standard for human beings. I would define the kamikaze worker as someone who puts work at the center of their life and above their health, family and society. I have often questioned the point of this overwork. It seems…

  • A Student of Life

    A Student of Life

    In this thread I will attempt to describe a very simple summary of my understanding of life and how it changed during my #ActuallyAutistic #Mentalillness journey. It’s not complete as I would probably need a book to do that.Though knowledge of major influences may be of interest. As an undiagnosed Autistic young man I often…