Month: April 2023

  • My Love of Reading

    My Love of Reading

    Those new new non-canon books of the Bible just arrived. I doubt I will read them in full or consider them an alternative to the New International Version of the Bible. I like to read Christian theology and others interpretations these days. Most of my reading used to be in economics. Computer programming was just…

  • DIM US Framework

    DIM US Framework

    I was feeling traumatised this morning and needed an outlet for my experiences. So I have created my alternative “Recovery in the Bin” inspired framework that attempts to mirror the realities compared to the CHIME Framework for personal recovery. I call it the ‘DIM US’ framework #RITB. I think the CHIME framework is a nice…

  • Star Wars Rewatching

    Star Wars Rewatching

    Saturday 15th April I got the Star Wars Saga (EPs 1-9) for a good price on blu ray in CEX recently. Not seen it since DVD so great to see it in hi Def at full bitrate. Lots of parallels to the rise of fascism and how the good people (Jedi) make many mistakes that…

  • Special Interest Excitement

    Special Interest Excitement

    I had a very overactive sleep last night. Like I was sleeping and my mind was going a million miles per hour with my meds trying to sedate me at the same time. I think what got me excited was I ordered a copy of The Complete Gnostic Gospels which is unpacked by Christopher Davidson…

  • Gospel of Thomas

    Gospel of Thomas

    I’ve finished scanning my collection of old photos into my computer. There was a sermon in Church today on Thomas who doubted the resurrection of Christ but believed in his divinity once he touched his wounds. Sometimes the sermons lead me to do self-study on a Sunday afternoon. As I scanned the photos I found…

  • Saturday Sorting

    Saturday Sorting

    I’m having a really chilled day today. I really like spending time alone at home. Cleaned my bathroom and scanned 55 photos so far. I’ll lift the afternoon curfew on social media today so I have something to distract myself as I wait for photos to scan. I’m trying to streamline and minimise my home…

  • Scanning Photos

    Scanning Photos

    I began scanning my photos (mostly childhood). There isn’t that much once I took them out of there tired old and very spacious books. Lot of rubbish ones. I’ll keep everything digitally. Then I will keep the ones I like. I’m going to print some of the ones I have digitally from teenage years to…

  • Medication Messaging

    Medication Messaging

    Sometimes I think I give mix messages on here about medication. If my autism was diagnosed before 2010 and I had adjustments in my career then I may have not needed medication. If I was to win the lottery tomorrow I don’t think I would need medication in future. Though I would need to fund…

  • Organising my DVDs

    Organising my DVDs

    I created some cards for my blu-ray/dvd wallets so I can move my Star Trek TNG Boxset over. Planning to do the same for all my Star Trek Boxset. I should get an entire shelf free on my bookshelf doing this. I might not chuck the packaging straight away incase I change my mind. I…