Scanning Photos

I began scanning my photos (mostly childhood). There isn’t that much once I took them out of there tired old and very spacious books. Lot of rubbish ones. I’ll keep everything digitally. Then I will keep the ones I like.

I’m going to print some of the ones I have digitally from teenage years to present. Using my selected old photos and newly printed photos form probably no more than 3 albums of 200 photos each. I might be thankful one day for doing this.

This is probably the best photo I have scanned in so far. My Mum also left me a canvas print of it too (today it hangs in my lounge). I didn’t know I had a photo copy. Professionally taken 13-15 years ago I think.

Born in Nineteen Eighty-Four the same year as a famous novel.

This photo is my late Gran and Grandad on my mothers side. Taken in the early 90’s. They were born in the 1920’s – I could relate to them better now. My Gran was from a farm in Ireland. My Grandad was English, injured in the British 8th Army, Battle of El Alamein 1942.

This is photo of me as a young boy before 5. Initially I had natural blonde hair that went brown.

