Tag: Lived Experience

  • Beholding


    I’ve read 4 chapters of my Christian book ‘Beholding‘. It was a struggle initially as the author kept trying to make the point that God and prayer shouldn’t be a transactional relationship. I had no issues with this as I’ve become less pleased with the greed of capitalism. I don’t like transactional relationships at all…

  • A Thank you Poem to my Twitter Friends

    A Thank you Poem to my Twitter Friends

    Here is a a Thank You poem I wrote for Easter to my Twitter friends using ChatGPT (AI). Once more, I write with grateful heart,For followers who play their part.On Easter’s day, you’re my crew,With tweets that help me start anew. Promethazine, you recommend,And Star Trek episodes to mend.In times of crisis, dark and deep,Your…

  • Reflections on Anti-psychotics

    Reflections on Anti-psychotics

    I was thinking what it’s like being on a high dose of anti-psychotics to a low dose/none. I am different between both. On a low dose I have a sense of adventure and push myself too hard. Sometimes I feel bulletproof and have to be careful of not pushing myself to crashing. On a higher…

  • A Poem about me

    A Poem about me

    A poem I wrote about me using ChatGPT (AI) In Southend-on-Sea, by the rolling tide,Lives a man named Shaun, with Star Trek pride.A collection vast, on shelves displayed, DVDs and Blu-rays, a media parade.Each Sunday morn, as bells do chime,He finds his peace, in sacred time.Communion bread, the wine so fine,A moment’s pause, divine and…

  • Typical Days

    Typical Days

    I had a nice day today. Exactly what I needed. I went for a short walk and stayed alone at home. Watched Television, mainly dogs, The Simpsons and sometimes news on in background. I did reading of CS Lewis in Christianity. Will do some Bible reading shortly and prayers. That’s how most of my days…

  • The Rich and AI

    The Rich and AI

    For a very long time the three factors of production in classical economics were Land or natural resources, Labour and Capital. Today the four factors for production in a modern economy are Land, Labour, Capital and Entrepreneurship. Marx had similar views to the classical economists. Since the late 20th Century much automation has removed the…

  • A Middle Class Closed Shop

    A Middle Class Closed Shop

    I was born in a Working Class family. My grandparents and parents were Working Class who lived in council houses before they bought him. Research of my family tree suggests many before me were brick layers and factory workers. When I was growing up it was clear to me as technology became more automated that…

  • My Prayer Life

    My Prayer Life

    I had an atheist upbringing. Although my late Mother was brought up as Catholic she chose not to go to Church once she wasn’t forced to by her Mother. It’s not to say I knew nothing about religion, I did Religious studies at school and some of Mothers values passed down were Christian. It was…

  • Surviving


    [7 Part Twitter Thread] Surviving can be defined as continuing to live or exist in spite of (an accident or ordeal). As someone with a diagnosis of Autism and Schitzoaffective Disorder surviving is what I seem to excel at. It has taken me time but I have learnt to accept survival is the best I…