Tag: Mental Health Services

  • Psychosis 2023

    Psychosis 2023

    I recently had an episode of psychosis that hospitalised me once again. I’ve titled this post as ‘Psychosis 2023’ as I have had an episode of psychosis every year since 2017 with the exception of 2018. Unfortunately in 2017 I had 3 episodes and 3 hospitalisations over a period of 3 months. The episodes are…

  • Horses for Courses

    Horses for Courses

    I started a short MS Teams course today with my Trust on Anxiety and Social skills. I’ve done a lot of these kinds of courses since 2010. Anxiety was explained and we were introduced to CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and SMART goals. I once had an interest in ACT. I…

  • DIM US Framework

    DIM US Framework

    I was feeling traumatised this morning and needed an outlet for my experiences. So I have created my alternative “Recovery in the Bin” inspired framework that attempts to mirror the realities compared to the CHIME Framework for personal recovery. I call it the ‘DIM US’ framework #RITB. I think the CHIME framework is a nice…

  • Hospital Hell

    Hospital Hell

    When I was in hospital for 4 and a half months homeless (my section ended after 6 weeks). I was triggered an awful number of times. Sometimes it was the other patients who were struggling and were triggered. Most of the times it was the staff who triggered me. A large part of my triggers…

  • Hospital Memory

    Hospital Memory

    The #dispatches documentary reminded me of some memories in hospital last year. I remember at one point the staff said we would have to sign before we could go and eat a meal. I refused to sign and said I would stop eating. Other patients then said the same. They backed down. At one point…

  • Why my mental health care fails

    Why my mental health care fails

    I’ve struggled a lot in the mind for a long time.  It wasn’t until a breakdown in 2010 when I lived in Australia that I begun treatment from psychiatry. As a result of my mental illness, my relationship in Australia ended and I returned to the UK in 2013 to be with family. Before I…

  • Psych Hospitals

    Psych Hospitals

    I think it’s sad people are dieing in psych hospitals. I think there should at least be separate wards for people severally suicidal and those who aren’t. This one size fits all policy is creating very sterile wards with no therapeutic benefit whatsoever. A ward where the rules prevent you doing almost anything including personal…

  • Christ-centred Care

    Christ-centred Care

    When I was in a psych hospital homeless for 4 and a half months I didn’t get person-centred care. Though it could have been worse. I decided to double down on my new found faith by providing myself with Christ-centred care. During that time no information was shared about where I was going.I wasn’t sure…

  • Why Does My Care Fail?

    Why Does My Care Fail?

    Why does my care fail? If you follow me you are probably aware I have been sectioned and hospitalised many times. Fundamentally I would say it’s our Neoliberal and market fundamentalist culture which is the root cause. Though I’ll avoid an overtly philosophical discussion. The principal issue for a lot of my hospitalisations initially were…