Month: January 2023

  • Star Trek TNG: Who Watches the Watchers

    Star Trek TNG: Who Watches the Watchers

    Recently as I continue my rewatch of Star Trek The Next Generation, I came across the episode “Who Watches the Watchers”.In this episode, the Enterprise must undo the damage when a primitive civilisation discovers a Federation observation team and concludes that the Starfleet personnel are gods. Picard is advised from one of the rescued observation…

  • My Exercise Plan

    My Exercise Plan

    So I’m planning to go for my first run Saturday morning. My plan is to try to start with 1 to 2 miles, three times a week. Then hopefully build from there. Tomorrow I will go shopping in Aldi for my new diet for the week.Not much will change really I need to cut down…

  • Exercise Planning

    Exercise Planning

    I’ve got a couple of tops today and a pair of jogging bottoms. Planning to get back into running again soon. The activity used to help me and losing some weight wouldn’t be a bad idea. Just weighed myself and it looks like the 30kg I lost in 2016 has been put back on again.…

  • Infographic Bible

    Infographic Bible

    Even if I ignore the Bible as a religious text it is a great piece of literature. The literary style and wisdom embodied in this book is impressive. Especially when each of the books of the Bible were once on scrolls written thousands of years ago. As I’ve mentioned before I read a lot of…

  • A Fearful Future

    A Fearful Future

    As an #ActuallyAutistic adult I feel fearful of the future.Particularly as I am structurally unemployed from not being effective affective labour.I am less capable at modifying neurotypical emotional experiences.Every year our society becomes more capitalist and market dominated. At present although I don’t thrive I do survive on a social safety net. Some autistics are…

  • Growing Up in Star Trek

    Growing Up in Star Trek

    I’ve been watching Star Trek since 1995 when I was 11. It became my #ActuallyAutistic special interest and still is today. From around that age I was considered a geek at school and not popular. I struggled to make any friends except other Star Trek fans. It’s fair to say a lot of my psychosocial…

  • Data in Star Trek

    Data in Star Trek

    I’ve always admired Data and his relationship to Captain Picard. Rewatching Data I notice some of his challenges like his literal interpretation. I’ve often had a literal interpretation myself. His interest in researching most topics is very much me as well. He is the ultimate generalist. Learning more about philosophy with the historical context has…

  • Missing Pets

    Missing Pets

    I fancy petting a dog or cat. Unfortunately none are available. So I have to settle for Snoopy. Who is lovely. I’m not allowed pets in my flat but I do have a back garden. I have thought of putting dreamies by my backdoor to make new friends. My 2nd ex had a Cat who…

  • Conversion Therapy

    Conversion Therapy

    I wouldn’t dare post this on Twitter or Mastodon as I would get a lot of hate and abuse for posting an alternative view. Which to me alone suggests there is something wrong about this debate. Conversion therapy is the pseudoscientific practice of attempting to change an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression…