Month: February 2023

  • Grateful But Fearful

    Grateful But Fearful

    I spent so much time last year homeless, dreaming of a future where I would have use of my own kitchen and bathroom. Having a bedroom where I could chill out with Star Trek. I sit here now happily with a cup of tea listening to white noise from the Enterprise appreciating this. This Spring/Summer…

  • Starting Gardening

    Starting Gardening

    A bonus of moving into my one bedroom flat in September is it has a small garden. As Spring is approaching I have bought a few medium pots and large fabric pots. I have drilled holes into the medium pots for drainage and then filled the pots with compost. After a few days of filling…

  • Walking Thoughts

    Walking Thoughts

    Just came back from a long walk. Felt very sluggish this morning. Once again it’s the medication but not as bad as it was. Though I get a lot less agitated than I used which is nice. I feel like I could settle with a little life like this if things remain as they are.…

  • Star Trek TNG: Darmok

    Star Trek TNG: Darmok

    I have been continuing my rewatch of Star Trek The Next Generation and am now up to Season 5. I have found another episode called ‘Darmok’ that strongly related to my own challenges and experiences of Autism.  This is a 14-part thread and please Boost if you enjoy reading. In this episode as described on…

  • Running Week 1

    Running Week 1

    I’m mainly writing this blog as a routine of keeping myself accountable and hopefully something to look back on and be proud. Well I’m pleased to have complete my first week in returning to run. It hasn’t been easy. particularly motivating myself to get out there. The medication makes me so lethargic. Particularly if I…

  • Why my mental health care fails

    Why my mental health care fails

    I’ve struggled a lot in the mind for a long time.  It wasn’t until a breakdown in 2010 when I lived in Australia that I begun treatment from psychiatry. As a result of my mental illness, my relationship in Australia ended and I returned to the UK in 2013 to be with family. Before I…