Month: January 2023

  • The Social Contract

    The Social Contract

    The social contract which largely originated in theory from the 17th and 18th century came about due to huge changes in how people perceived and lived. In England the influence of the Catholic church ended with the reformation of a Protestant Church. Nearly all people worked in agriculture with their families. Revolutions in organising agriculture…

  • Mark 12:17

    Mark 12:17

    Some Pharisees and Herodians were sent to Jesus to catch him in his words. They came to him and said, “Teacher, we know that you are a man of integrity. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the way of God in accordance with the…

  • 3 Year memory

    3 Year memory

    Around this time 3 years ago I was training to run my first marathon. It was a special time in my life. The mind, body and spirit actualised as one passion. I was on different medication back then. It felt like a gift from God. I ran several more that year then my stepdad died.…

  • Exodus: Gods and Kings

    Exodus: Gods and Kings

    Rewatching Exodus: Gods and Kings. I first watched it last year in hospital from my tablet computer. I had first read Exodus from the Bible. It’s about a King who wouldn’t let enslaved people be free for economic reasons. Moses is inspired by God to plead they be set free. The King refuses so God…

  • Taking Medication

    Taking Medication

    Alexa has reminded me to refill my nightly weekly pillbox. Seems I will be out of 1000mg Lithium on Sunday. So will start 800mg of Lithium Monday. I’m hopeing I will have more spoons to do things. I’m not necessarily convinced the medication helps as much as it hinders. My mind is too dependant to…

  • Lessons from being Homeless

    Lessons from being Homeless

    Being homeless last year by living in a psych hospital for 4.5 months and 6 weeks in a hotel was traumatic. Though I have learnt some valuable life lessons. However, I wouldn’t want anyone else to have to go through that. Some of these lessons I can think of are: Appreciate the essentials in life:…

  • Finding Meaning

    Finding Meaning

    The last decade I have lived on my own with the exception of 6 months with my ex-bf. Its felt like being in a space capsule with away missions. Over time I have consumed a library on the internet of the greatest thinkers, music, film, art, history, science and still not done yet. I’m not…

  • A Joke on “Theory of Mind”

    A Joke on “Theory of Mind”

    A little joke I came up with in the shower.

  • Double empathy problem

    Double empathy problem

    I think sometimes a challenge I have with being Autistic is people don’t understand and try to use simple psychoanalysis to evaluate. I’m not talking about professionals in this case I’m talking about regular people with some of a brain. If only it was as simple as that. A passive way to do it is…