Month: January 2023

  • Appreciating Home

    Appreciating Home

    I am grateful to have my home. After being homeless in a psych hospital last year I have never appreciated having a home so much. Getting alone time in the hospital without being regulated in what I do was impossible. I depended on staff for tea, to use the laundry and eat. I am very…

  • Atomised Society

    Atomised Society

    Social atomisation is the tendency for society to be made up of a collection of self-interested and largely self-sufficient individuals operating as separate atoms. This is different to our experience of human beings as unique and irreplaceable. Social atomisation for many people is being utterly alone yet surrounded by people. I remember when I used…

  • Christ-centred Care

    Christ-centred Care

    When I was in a psych hospital homeless for 4 and a half months I didn’t get person-centred care. Though it could have been worse. I decided to double down on my new found faith by providing myself with Christ-centred care. During that time no information was shared about where I was going.I wasn’t sure…

  • Social Disability

    Social Disability

    As an #ActuallyAutistic person with a diagnosed mental illness I face many social barriers that inhibit my ability to function and live freely. When I say social barriers, I mean constraints imposed from society rather than biological or psychological factors unique to me. A way to accommodate this is through a social model of disability.The…

  • Kitchen and Running

    Kitchen and Running

    Cleaned my kitchen today. Takes about 1.5 hours. I wasn’t looking forward to it as I feel so medicated in the morning. I forced myself and got it done. My mini dehumidifier does a good job keeping the mold at bay but it still builds up. I was too scared to stand on the worktops…

  • Make yourself useful

    Make yourself useful

    I got talking to someone I’ve spoken to before at Church this morning. Then walking home I got so worked up from it that for 3 seconds I wanted to lay down in the busy main road running beside me. So it was a polite conversation. The person asked what I had planned for the…

  • Work Pressures

    Work Pressures

    In 2015 I had enough with life. I took an overdose and tried to drown myself. It was after that point I had ECT in hospital. For many years after I felt guilty I couldn’t work. I still bump into people today that seemed to want me to feel guilty for that. For a long…

  • Game Theory

    Game Theory

    In 2017, I learned about Game Theory. It was a shocking but exciting revelation. I lost my innocence in that I understood that people can play games. This was when I finally started to make sense of people and that socialising can be a complex equation. Game theory is a branch of applied maths that…

  • Disabled for being abled

    Disabled for being abled

    I’ve always been a person that has felt the world intensively. I am very sensitive to how people behave towards me. It’s also my mode in finding answers to the world. As a child I was full of questions in understanding how the world works. I have one memory as a child of my Mum…