Tag: Mental Health Services
Some Improvement with Meds & Buddhism
Things have been rather more difficult in the last few months. Though since I had my 4 weekly Paliperidone depot increased from 50mg to 75mg almost 3 weeks ago I have been feeling more calmer. I seem more at ease and less scared of the future. I do though still feel the future looks bleak.…
Star Trek Voyager: Displaced
I’ve watched the episode ‘Displaced’ from #StarTrek Voyager. In this episode the crew are slowly replaced by aliens and find themselves in a new habitat. Eventually all the crew are put in this new habitat. This new habitat the crew find themselves in is peaceful, beautiful, has food and Earths cultural database from their ship…
Spiritual Beliefs in Hospital
[Twitter Thread] I do feel psychiatric hospitals need to cater more for those with Spiritual and Religious beliefs. Principally I feel they should provide some access to religious texts. The Bible has been very helpful to my recoveries as well as soothing. I think the best way to do this is for.. every hospital to…
Medication Side Effects
I have been taking psychiatric medication since 2010. I was on anti-depressants until 2016 and have been on anti-psychotics since 2011. I took a break from all my medication except Lithium in 2016 for almost a year and managed to lose 35KG in weight. The anti-depressants I have tried are Escitalopram, Cymbalta, Desvenlafaxine, Mirtazapine and…
A Solitary Life
My life is largely one of solitude. Solitude is is a state of seclusion or isolation, meaning lack of socialisation. I spend an hour and a half at Church every Sunday morning in worship and in the last month I begun volunteering in a homeless charity for 4 hours on a Tuesday. However, I usually…
Negative Feedback Loops
Many of us who are Autistic also experience mental illness. Even if we don’t experience mental illness an Autistic person usually will experience similar barriers to someone with mental illness. These barriers can include social exclusion, stigma, discrimination, a lack of accessibility and no accommodations. In this blog, I am going to discuss Negative Feedback…
Psych Memories: 2015
This may contain upsetting content about suicide. Please don’t read this if you think it will trigger you. This is first of a series of blog posts I will write about my past in using mental health services. NHS mental health services have improved in some areas and got worse in other areas here. I…
Emergency Bag
I have been in psychiatric hospitals many times in my life. At least once a year since 2010 but it has been known to happen several times in one year. My stay is usually between 2 to 6 weeks. Though sometimes it has been a week or for several months. Since my Mum and Stepdad…
The Lord’s Supper
Over the last 13 years I have been in and out of psychiatric hospitals for all kinds of reasons. What often helped get me better was the consistency of hospital. I could always count on supper in the evening. Supper usually occurs at around 8pm. The NHS has little funds or staff at this time…