Tag: Medication

  • Reflections on Anti-psychotics

    Reflections on Anti-psychotics

    I was thinking what it’s like being on a high dose of anti-psychotics to a low dose/none. I am different between both. On a low dose I have a sense of adventure and push myself too hard. Sometimes I feel bulletproof and have to be careful of not pushing myself to crashing. On a higher…

  • Medication Side Effects

    Medication Side Effects

    I have been taking psychiatric medication since 2010. I was on anti-depressants until 2016 and have been on anti-psychotics since 2011. I took a break from all my medication except Lithium in 2016 for almost a year and managed to lose 35KG in weight. The anti-depressants I have tried are Escitalopram, Cymbalta, Desvenlafaxine, Mirtazapine and…

  • Addictions, Dependencies and Vices

    Addictions, Dependencies and Vices

    I think virtually everyone has at least an addiction, dependency or vice. As an undiagnosed Autistic child I liked to consistently eat and drink the same things. I think my Mother noticed this so I was made to drank Orange squash and Tea. She kept me away from sweets and fizzy drinks. I still eat…

  • Medication Messaging

    Medication Messaging

    Sometimes I think I give mix messages on here about medication. If my autism was diagnosed before 2010 and I had adjustments in my career then I may have not needed medication. If I was to win the lottery tomorrow I don’t think I would need medication in future. Though I would need to fund…

  • Lithium Reduced

    Lithium Reduced

    As permitted by the psychiatrist I lowered my Lithium dose from 1000mg to 800mg on Monday night. I think I am seeing a benefit. I feel less worn out in the morning. I seem to have got into Aldi earlier than usual this week. My motivation is low which I think is partly due to…

  • Mark 12:17

    Mark 12:17

    Some Pharisees and Herodians were sent to Jesus to catch him in his words. They came to him and said, “Teacher, we know that you are a man of integrity. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the way of God in accordance with the…

  • Taking Medication

    Taking Medication

    Alexa has reminded me to refill my nightly weekly pillbox. Seems I will be out of 1000mg Lithium on Sunday. So will start 800mg of Lithium Monday. I’m hopeing I will have more spoons to do things. I’m not necessarily convinced the medication helps as much as it hinders. My mind is too dependant to…