Tag: Homelessness

  • Dehumanisation


    Dehumanisation is the denial of full humanity in others along with the cruelty and suffering that accompany it. A practical definition refers to it as the viewing and the treatment of other people as though they lack the mental capacities that are commonly attributed to humans. Homelessness in my experience seems to be the delimiter…

  • Basildon Day Trip

    Basildon Day Trip

    It was strange going into Basildon Town centre today as I saw the fountain where I used to sit when I got leave from hospital. It felt different this time because I’m in a better place now. It meant so much to me that fountain. Now I feel I have started early retirement. Society is…

  • 6 Months Homed

    6 Months Homed

    I feel so on top of things now, it is bliss. So much of last year has been limbo from homelessness, sorting out this new home but at the same time being patient in getting there and now I have the cherry on top with my garden ready to grow some vegetables this spring/summer. It’s…

  • Lessons from being Homeless

    Lessons from being Homeless

    Being homeless last year by living in a psych hospital for 4.5 months and 6 weeks in a hotel was traumatic. Though I have learnt some valuable life lessons. However, I wouldn’t want anyone else to have to go through that. Some of these lessons I can think of are: Appreciate the essentials in life:…

  • Being Homeless in 2022

    I spent 4.5 month in a psych hospital and a hotel for 1.5 months homeless.I doubt many people would of handled that. What struck me when I was homeless for 6 months was peoples emotional reasoning. It seemed to be acceptable when compared to being beaten or living on the streets. To often it’s ok…