Tag: Economics

  • Austerity and Stoicism

    Austerity and Stoicism

    Since the banking crisis of 2008, times have became increasingly more difficult for many people in Britain and the world. Since 2010 the “free at the point of use” NHS has declined as a health service where it is no longer number 1 in the world for many categories. The NHS waiting list was around…

  • The Rich and AI

    The Rich and AI

    For a very long time the three factors of production in classical economics were Land or natural resources, Labour and Capital. Today the four factors for production in a modern economy are Land, Labour, Capital and Entrepreneurship. Marx had similar views to the classical economists. Since the late 20th Century much automation has removed the…

  • No Win Scenario

    No Win Scenario

    If I could relive my life again I would love to be born from rich parents who loved me, who had loads of contacts and also were part of a Church family. Why? I wouldn’t be so much for the material things but in having opportunities I never had. People that have this can often…

  • Money and Currency

    Money and Currency

    Money such as £€¥$ is created by the government digitally and some of it is printed as paper. It has no material value except what we believe it’s worth. Governments often create more of it when needed. In recent years much of it has gone to bankers and the ultra wealthy. However, too much money…

  • Star Trek Voyager: Scorpion

    Star Trek Voyager: Scorpion

    I’m watching the #StarTrek Voyager 2 part ep ‘Scorpion’.In this episode Voyager enters Borg space and discovers the Borg is at war with Species 8472. The Borg are losing the war as 8472 is advanced and can’t be assimilated.The Borg have to assimilate their enemies to defeat them. Voyager uses the Empirical scientific method to…

  • A Solitary Life

    A Solitary Life

    My life is largely one of solitude. Solitude is is a state of seclusion or isolation, meaning lack of socialisation. I spend an hour and a half at Church every Sunday morning in worship and in the last month I begun volunteering in a homeless charity for 4 hours on a Tuesday. However, I usually…

  • The Social Contract

    The Social Contract

    Developing my understanding of Social Contract theory was a milestone in my recovery. A Social Contract is where people live together in society in accordance with an agreement that establishes moral & political rules of behaviour. E.g. Law in Social security, housing, crime, tax etc. What I realised from my own experiences was that the…

  • The Economy is a Casino

    The Economy is a Casino

    A way of describing my #ActuallyAutistic life is like being trapped in a casino with no exit. Since I don’t have a job the casino gives me money to play.Sometimes I have to play to fit in but these days I’m focused on life support – essentials & small unnecessary luxuries. I’ve never been to…