Month: June 2023

  • Spiritual Beliefs in Hospital

    Spiritual Beliefs in Hospital

    [Twitter Thread] I do feel psychiatric hospitals need to cater more for those with Spiritual and Religious beliefs. Principally I feel they should provide some access to religious texts. The Bible has been very helpful to my recoveries as well as soothing. I think the best way to do this is for.. every hospital to…

  • Colonialism in the UK Today

    Colonialism in the UK Today

    I have previously written about how I feel the Social Contract needs to be more fair in the UK. This is especially true for Autistic and Mad people. Although in recent history, Mad people have had greater liberties by being able to live in the community rather than in Asylums or long stay hospitals. Today…

  • Paul


    I often mention my Christian Faith in my blogs but I don’t write about Bible characters. I appreciate most people who read my blog are not believers so this blog might not be something that interests you. My faith has grown to be central to my life so I make no apologies but I do…

  • Not Living My Full Potential

    Not Living My Full Potential

    I am 39 years of age this year and as is true for many Autistic adults today I don’t feel I have lived my full potential. I don’t feel I am even living anything close to it now. My reasoning is well documented if you read many of my blogs together such as the Social…

  • Medication Side Effects

    Medication Side Effects

    I have been taking psychiatric medication since 2010. I was on anti-depressants until 2016 and have been on anti-psychotics since 2011. I took a break from all my medication except Lithium in 2016 for almost a year and managed to lose 35KG in weight. The anti-depressants I have tried are Escitalopram, Cymbalta, Desvenlafaxine, Mirtazapine and…

  • A Solitary Life

    A Solitary Life

    My life is largely one of solitude. Solitude is is a state of seclusion or isolation, meaning lack of socialisation. I spend an hour and a half at Church every Sunday morning in worship and in the last month I begun volunteering in a homeless charity for 4 hours on a Tuesday. However, I usually…

  • Negative Feedback Loops

    Negative Feedback Loops

    Many of us who are Autistic also experience mental illness. Even if we don’t experience mental illness an Autistic person usually will experience similar barriers to someone with mental illness. These barriers can include social exclusion, stigma, discrimination, a lack of accessibility and no accommodations. In this blog, I am going to discuss Negative Feedback…

  • Reflections on Last Year

    Reflections on Last Year

    The last year has been a strange but also a humbling experience. Living homeless in a psychiatric ward for 4 and half months (although only sectioned for 6 weeks) meant I had few luxuries & privileges.I’m redefining luxuries here for many.Going out to the fountain to drink Pepsi in Basildon town centre was a luxury.…

  • Exclusion in Practise

    Exclusion in Practise

    I’ve talked previously how having your rent paid and living on benefits isn’t a dream. That having found my faith makes me feel fortunate. I have mentioned that what comes with living with autism and being on benefits means there is much Stigma and Loneliness. In this blog, I will try to describe how social…