Month: December 2022

  • How I Got Into Star Trek

    How I Got Into Star Trek

    I got into Star Trek as a teenager by spending all my weekly pocket money renting ‘The Next Generation’ from Blockbusters. I used to travel their on my bike. It was also aired on the BBC. I later met a friend at school who owned the entire collection on VHS The home release was 2…

  • Fascism


    I think the issue many people have with fascism is they think it happens overnight with a declaration. It happens more slowly than that where previously unacceptable behaviour becomes more normalised. Then once one normal is formed another is transitioned to. The Star Wars prequel trilogy is probably the best modern day example of this.…

  • Thoughts on Assessments

    Thoughts on Assessments

    I was thinking as I was doing my bacon and egg sandwich. How the NHS and DWP do assessments. Both don’t really amount to much of a test but are used as empirical evidence. It’s not really possible to test as people aren’t laboratory specimens. Like when I was in hospital I had nothing to…

  • Not Optimistic About New year

    I can’t say I feel optimistic about a happy new year. I’m amazed I’m actually seeing the new year without being homeless. It went on for too long. I guess after this year I’m dreading what next year has in store for me. I have been very badly beaten down emotionally this year. Spending 4.5…

  • Lower Class Judgements

    People in Britain seem to always have a very tough attitude against the lower classes and people on low incomes. Seem to always have the right answers from high above. Yet many I don’t think could handle the tough measures they dish out. From famous people, politicians, media people, academics, and doctors. You often find…

  • Incorrect Social Moves

    I’ve noticed more since my autism diagnosis that I don’t fit in. It’s very obvious to me now I’m not displaying the right social moves to be accepted. More than I realise. I think it takes people time to accept me. Like I think in my church they seem to be warming to me. One…

  • Story of God

    Story of God

    Sitting on my bed going through the puzzle box looking for the remaining straights. On my 3rd round now. Watching/Listening to the Story of God by Morgan Freeman. Seen it a few times this series. Often makes me feel good. Done so well. Morgan Freeman just said “What do you do when you feel the…

  • My Quest is Complete

    For the last 10 years or so I have spent time investigating what mental illness and then autism meant to me. I have literally turned everything upside down like Robert Langdon in the Da Vinci Code. I have researched the DSM, psychology, 2500 years of history, economic, philosophy, the Bible, theology and many other things…

  • Bad Memory

    Sometimes I have bad memories that come to the surface. Today I was thinking of the time I passed out outside my front door at my former home. Neighbour called an ambulance who took me to hospital without my shoes, wallet and mobile phone. When I came to in hospital I don’t remember much. I…