The Last Jedi

Tonight I’m watching the Star Wars: The Last Jedi on blu ray.

I had a thought that the Jedi don’t just represent figures of a mystical religion of light and dark. They represent people with power and knowledge of the ways of philosophy and theology. Knowing the difference between good and evil is important with the responsibility of power.

Interesting quote from Rey (below). Sounds like a spiritual experience – mad. My experience is you have to be careful with your wording to talk about such things with the NHS. Ideally you need a communications chief like Alastair Campbell and expect a tabloid response.

I had thoughtful ideas of replacing ‘Jedi’ with Christianity or Neoliberal Capitalism, ‘Darth Sidious/Vader’ with fascism in this quote.

Yoda: “We are what they grow beyond” Would seem to mean students outgrow their teachers.


