My Christian Book Collection and Journey

I have slowly built up a small collection of Christian books in recent years. Initially in 2016-18 I was inspired by quotes that originated from the Bible that I discovered online. After psychosis with a spiritual nature in late 2017 I bought my first Bible.

Initially I bought a Rainbow Study Bible in 2018 as the colour coding made it more accessible to my autistic mind. At first I was seeking systems and frameworks. I needed structure to make sense of the Bible. In 2020 I wrote on the front cover as I was scared during the lockdown.

I struggled with the Bible due to it’s literary style. I realised there wasn’t a system to discover. I decided if I learnt how children first learned of the Bible like they do from their Christian parents I might understand the stories better. I bought an Action Bible in 2019.

In 2019-20 I was studying a MSc in Mental Health Recovery and Social Inclusion. I was learning lots about philosophy, the mind and autism to answer my essays. These new research skills helped me to start understanding the message of the Bible. Online websites helped.

In 2020 I bought a smaller Bible for my partner at the time to keep on the bookcase in the study. Once I was hospitalised in 2022 and homeless he returned this book to me. In the 4.5 months I was homeless in a psych hospital I read most of the books in the bible in this book.

I was very interested in learning more that I ordered in an Infographic book of the Bible, a commentary book on the Bible, a Concordance that allows you to lookup words in the Bible and an academic textbook that introduces Christian Theology. I also got a prayer book.

All of my studying helped keep me busy during my 6 months homeless. It offered solace in a difficult time in my life where I wasn’t treated well.I prayed most nights to have a safe quiet home.I still buy a few extra books now and then but I am mindful that I don’t need a library.


