I’m really pleased now I have my Star Trek DVD collection on my MicroSD Card. I’ve been extracting it from disc and compressing it to h264 to my external hard drive for years. At least now if I’m in hospital I won’t need to get WiFi and Netflix – just my phone charged up.

It’s amazing my MicroSD Card can hold upto 512 GB of data. It is possible to stream my Star Trek collection from my computer to my Xbox over WiFi using Plex/Kodi. Though I prefer to still use the physical media. Plex is like a Netflix interface for private digital collections.
Star Trek has been my constant in my life so I find it very soothing. The closest thing I have to family since my Mum and stepdad passed. There is nothing illegal shifting the format either.
Under UK Copyright Law, end users can make ‘personal copies for private use’ of content they ‘lawfully acquired on a permanent basis’. This means that it is lawful to make copies of materials you have purchased, received as a gift or downloaded from legal sources. With the expression ‘private use’, the law explicitly allows format-shifting (e.g. converting audio files from CDs into MP3 format) and making back-up copies.
I just can’t get over how my entire Star Trek Collection fits on this tiny card. It’s like Star Trek. I’m a Starfleet engineer finding new ways to survive!
“..I’m willing to bet that you’ve brought one of those famed Starfleet engineers who can turn rocks into replicators.”
Keevan, 2374 (“Rocks and Shoals”) Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Someone on Mastodon was suggesting streaming Star Trek on Paramount+. I’ve been watching Star Trek for 27 years. I may have 40 years of my life left. Paramount+ would cost me £3,355 over 40 years at £6.99 a month. I’m betting the price will go up, backup storage will go down.